Yasha's About Page!

click the portrait for its full version

Hi! This is me! Well, my fursona, anyway! i have a more accurate portrait on the homepage which you've surely seen!

My name is Jo! But I go by a few other names as well if you'd like to pick one! I'm 16 years old, and I like to consider myself a 'creative' of some sort! I've dipped my toes into pretty much every art medium I can get my hands on, from yarnwork to digital art(my specialty!). I'm from the USA, though not one specific Part of it. I like calling myself Kansan, but I wasn't born there, nor do I currently live there LOLOLOL.

You may have noticed from the, uh..


design of this page, that I coded this page entirely by hand! This is the only page on this site(so far?) where I've done this! That's because.. Well, for one, I didn't know how to make the page layout I've been using in the other areas of the site look like how I envisioned an 'about' page to look. And for two, I wanted the about page to feel more personal to me! I think struggling to give a page a god-damn background image in css makes it feel plenty personal, wouldn't you agree? xD

I consider myself part of the LGBTQ+ community!

I have various flags, most of which I listed below!

My Flags!