Gothspeon has logged in!

Radspeon: GOTHIE!

Gothspeon: Hey, Radi.


Gothspeon: Yeah, I did. Are you sure that nobody can see it?


Gothspeon: Can you like, talk normal?

Gothspeon: We aren't in front of anyone, you can say things normally.


Gothspeon: No, they don't, Radi.

Radspeon: really?

Gothspeon: Yeah, plus you don't have to talk like that around me.

Radspeon: but i like talking that way

Gothspeon: Why are you crying? Don't cry, I'm sorry. You can talk however you want, just don't cry.

Radspeon: what? hey, gothie, its not serious, im not actually crying!

Gothspeon: But isn't that your face? Those little images?

Radspeon: no?? theyre just emoticons, theyre meant to be an exaggeration

Gothspeon: So you aren't really sad?

Radspeon: no, i'm not

Radspeon: gothie? you there?

Gothspeon: Yeah, sorry.

Radspeon: im sorry for worrying you

Gothspeon: I thought you were going to run away again.

Radspeon: listen, okay, i know youre still grieving, but im happier now, okay?

Radspeon: im who i was always meant to be, and im living a better life than i ever was in real life. i dont know why youre still so hung up over this.

Gothspeon: Can you blame me for being "hung up" about it when I saw my brother's taxidermied corpse on the news? You sparked a whole new field of research, Radi, and then you ran off to permanently put your brain into the internet. You live on some kid's website, and you can't even eat food again. Of course I'm "hung up" over having to struggle to type just to talk to my brother for the rest of my life. Of course I'm "hung up" over the fact that you're going to outlive me, FOREVER.

Radspeon: if you saw the life i lived before i became an Espeon, you'd want to put your brain into the internet too! you got to live a cushy life with our parents while i had to be paraded around and tossed between batshit-crazy trainers just because im a different color!

Radspeon: if you want to grieve over my happiness, fine, do that, but dont do that shit on the webpage that you begged me to build. it isnt my fault that i wanted to escape my shitty life.

Gothspeon: You would've become an Espeon anyway, so why did you have to run away?! Your life wasn't shitty, I'd have killed to be a show Pokemon!

Radspeon: it doesnt fucking MATTER if i would've become an Espeon anyway, that isn't the POINT. the point is that i wouldn't become RADSPEON. i don't care what YOU wanted, i care about what I wanted for MY life, and thats all YOU should care about too, if you truly love ME, and not the little Eevee sister you had before.

Gothspeon: You're twisting my words to make me sound like I don't accept you.

Radspeon: clearly you don't if youre still insisting on grieving over me finally reaching a happy place in my life.

Gothspeon: Jesus, you're impossible. You never listen to me.

Radspeon: right back at you.

Gothspeon: Mom and Dad keep telling me to just forget about you. How do you reckon with that? Your own parents don't claim you. Wouldn't it have just been easier to live through it? Don't you miss being alive? Don't you miss ME? Why aren't you considering my feelings at all?! Do I mean nothing to you?!? What am I supposed to do now that I'm alone?! You left so suddenly and without telling anyone what happened, and I had to FIND you! Why didn't you seek me out?! Do I not matter to you? Do I not matter?

Radspeon: god damn it Gothie stop talking all that fucking nonsense.

Radspeon: just shut up. i didnt seek you out because i knew you wouldnt understand. i fucking knew you wouldnt, and i dont blame you for not understanding. im sorry that i made you feel this way, but this is whats best for me. i hoped that, even if you didn't understand, you'd at least be happy to see that im alive in SOME capacity. you know, i may not be physically alive, but i have feelings too, you know? im sentient, i just live on the computer now. is that really that different? we could even call, you could even hear my voice, but i doubt you actually want to do that.

Radspeon: you just want to keep yelling at me about how i shouldve considered your feelings before i made the choice that saved my life.

Gothspeon: What do you mean "saved your life"?! It killed you! You're dead!

Radspeon: i JUST told you that i AM alive, just not PHYSICALLY! do you know why they've never made a successful fusion since i fused with that Absol?! because Pokemon arent SUPPOSED to fuse, it was a fucking freak incident, one-in-a-million chance, and i nearly DIED. for REAL.

Radspeon: i killed that Absol once it fused with me, and it dying caused my body to fail too. putting my consciousness into the internet was a last-ditch effort to preserve myself.

Radspeon: but you dont care. none of you care. you dont care, because if you did, you wouldve accepted me whether it was a choice or not. i couldve been of totally sound mind and body, told you all that i was doing it months in advance, and you would still be here, on this webpage, yelling at me because i didnt "consider you."

Radspeon: OF COURSE I CONSIDERED YOU! I CONSIDERED YOU IN MY CHOICE TO STAY ALIVE! i wanted you to still have me around, in some capacity! i wanted you to see me happy! happy to be alive and to be myself! i thought as i was limping towards the internet tower, dying, "i want to talk to Gothie."

Radspeon: but you dont care. so goodbye. im done now.

Gothspeon: Wait.

Radspeon has logged out!