Site Mascots!!!

ever wondered who that weird emo espeon is, or what that weird miku recolor is doing here? well, now you can finally know!!!

click on the images to see the full versions, since i had to compress the fuck outta them to fit within the iframe... LOLZ

RadspeonRadsune Miku

Radspeon is the hot new computer virus Pokemon infecting every hip teen's computer.he's an internet entity that no trainer could ever hold down, even if they tried. he's a self-purported 'immortal vampire espeon,' and his home base is this very website! did you know that if you've added my site button to your own site, you've infected your website with Radspeon? don't worry, though, he's got his good friend Radsune here to keep him from obstructing anything. Radspeon is the number one cause of internet outages(according to him).

he/him transmasc, lvl 16, psychic-ghost type, birthday is 03/27, same as the webmaster's :3

Radsune Miku, not to be confused with the entirely different character that has no relation to her at all(I promise) Hatsune Miku, is the newest hit pop star of her age, delighting the people of Earth with her screeching robotic sounds and generally stinky mystique! she calls Radspeon her pet, but who's *really* in charge here? her. it's her. she's the champion of loud sounds and her favorite genre of music is whatever the hell that baby with two steel pans is doing!!!

she/her transmasc, 16 years old, birthday is 07/31, which is totally not also the completely unrelated character Hatsune Miku's birthday. don't worry about it.