Mimi Family Webpage :-)

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[2:22 am] Remember guys, don't misuse the webpage for weird things... This is to replace our group chat, I'm sorry that I had to get rid of it. I've added some security features to the page, so nobody should be able to find it, but remember that everything online is falliable. "Robbie," I know you already know to keep your secrets, so please try to keep everyone else in line. Love you all lots, -Raik.

[2:26 am] What's with the terrible background? Raik, are you truly *this* tasteless... -Yumi,

[2:27 am] The webpage isn't meant to look pretty, Yumi. But if you're really bothered by it, you can change it.

[2:27 am] I will do no such thing.

[2:30 am] hey raik do you think you could pick up some milk on the way home i really wanna make vikkie some pancakes because hes been a bit down lately but i need milk for the pancake mix i tried to use water but they didn't taste right ok bye -"Robbie"

[2:33 am] I'll try to pick some up.

[2:33 am] Christ "Robbie, punctuation, *please.*

[2:34 am] your the one who cant use quotes right also thank you raik

[2:36 am] What's been going on with Vikkie?

[2:37 am] My bet's on a dog not wanting him to pet it.

[2:38 am] his mom called

[2:38 am] Oh.

[2:39] Oh man... What'd she say?

[2:44 am] something about flight tickets or whatever apparently she wants him to come home but he doesnt want to so hes been avoiding his phone all day and ive had to hide it because it keeps ringing and stuff shes being really persistent for some reason

[2:45] That's weird... She hasn't wanted anything to do with him till now... Good idea keeping it away from him "Robbie," I'm glad you're looking after him. I'll check up on him when I get home. I got the milk, about ten minutes from home now.

[2:47 am] I'm also off work. I'll be there in like twenty minutes though, I've got to pick something up from the post office.

[2:48 am] be careful yumi ive heard some rumors about stuff going on around there

[2:50 am] Don't worry about me, I can handle myself "Robbie."

[2:52 am] i know that

[2:54] How's Lauren, "Robbie?" How's she holding up from last time?

[2:56 am] her skin looks fine the bandages you got are doing as good as we hoped it doesnt look like shell scar from anything would not recommend letting her do that again though

[2:57] That's good... I know, I shouldn't have been so careless. I'm glad she's doing better. Pyrokinesis is a tough thing to control, I should've let her train more before taking her out. I hope she isn't mad at me.

[3:00 am] i asked her she says she wont be if you bring her ice cream

[3:02 am] ....Anything for redemption, I suppose...

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[10:10 am] good morning

[10:11 am] Good morning.

[10:11 am] Morning!

[10:12 am] augh. -Lauren

[10:12 am] Lauren, you're up!

[10:13 am] What a glamorous first message, Lauren..

[10:14 am] give me a break for once, yumi.

[10:14 am] no arguing this early in the morning guys you know the rule

[10:15 am] There's a rule?, Vikkie

[10:15 am] hi vikkie

[10:15 am] Hi, Robbie.

[10:17 am] "Robbie" suggested that we put a rule in place that nobody is allowed to argue until noon.

[10:18 am] we also made a bet that if yumi and lauren can stop arguing for a week they get free reign over raik's credit card for two weeks

[10:18 am] did we already lose the bet.

[10:18 am] If we did, I'm going to be pissed. It was barely a bicker. I didn't even call her ugly.

[10:19 am] like *you* could call someone else ugly.

[10:20 am] HEY. Knock that off, Lauren.

[10:20 am] O, pillar of Beauty, please do tell me how ugly I am, I beg thee, I am so unworthy of your presence... Your boils, your greasy hair, your disgusting scar, your leg hair, it is simply too wondrous to behold! What IS your secret?!

[10:21 am] Yumi, that's just too far, stop talking like that.

[10:23 am] way to go making fun of literally everyone else here with the scar thing yumi

[10:23 am] That, too.

[10:24 am] Yeah, Yumi, that was extremely distasteful. You know that we all have scars. Huge dick move, kiddo.

[10:25 am] I'm sorry, I got caught up in the moment.

[10:26 am] not a fucking excuse, asshole.

[10:26 am] I know, sorry.

[10:27 am] Let's all just calm down and forget about this for now, we can unpack it later when we're all more awake.

[10:27 am] I agree. Yumi, did you recieve the parcel from the client last night?

[10:28 am] I did, I nearly got caught, but the package is safe. Why'd the guy pay us in ones?

[10:30 am] Christ, how heavy was the bag? 50k in *ones...*

[10:32 am] It was insanely heavy, I should've called someone to help me carry it, but I didn't have any service.

[10:33 am] L

[10:33 am] L????

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[11:30 am] Who made the little sprites?

[11:31 am] me i did it last night do you like them

[11:31 am] I love them!!!

[11:32 am] Why did you make me look so angry??

[11:32 am] i mean...

[11:33 am] Can I get a description?

[11:35 am] Two images. The first is a gif of me, you, "Robbie," Lauren, and Yumi all in a line. It's drawn in a pixel art style, and the animation is very basic. The second image is a still image, and it's of the five of us but as ducks!

[11:35] Raik's the mother duck in the second image, which is infinitely hilarious.

[11:35 am] Haha!!

[11:36] "Robbie" always draws me so great, you should be an artist dude

[11:36 am] i am an artist just not professionally its called being an armature

[11:36 am] Amateur.

[11:36 am] amateur

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[2:37 am] New client just got in touch.

[2:38 am] what is it this time

[2:40 am] They want sloppy work. Two people, done by next Wednesday. 15k upfront, 20k after the work is done.

[2:42 am] Jeez. Who's up for it?

[2:43] i can do it.

[2:45 am] You sure? The targets might be too much for you.

[2:45 am] what's that supposed to mean?

[2:47 am] I'm not saying you're incapable. It'd just be traumatizing, I think.

[2:48 am] i bet i could handle it.

[2:50 am] Who are the targets?

[2:53 am] Walter and Carol Ziegler. Husband and Wife. Owners of several fake businesses around the city. Connected to a power trafficking ring. Best course of action; pose as a trafficked person and get to them that way.

[2:55 am] Ah.

[2:57 am] i could do that.

[2:59 am] Lauren, don't go re-traumatizing yourself just for a job. Let someone else take this one.

[3:00 am] yeah lauren seriously dont i can take this one

[3:02 am] It might be best for Robbie to take this one anyhow. He has no background or real name. He's better for blending in on situations like this.

[3:03 am] I'm going with him, though.

[3:04 am] obviously you never let me do jobs alone

[3:05 am] Nobody should do jobs alone anyway! At all.

[3:07 am] Raik has the most on-field experience out of all of us. It's best to trust his judgement.

[3:08 am] See? Vikkie just declared it.

[3:08 am] cant argue with vikkie

[3:08 am] Yeah, Vikkie knows best.

[3:08 am] yeah.

[3:09 am] Wait.

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