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radspeon's page
nyan cat 100 hours
icon by colorfest!
Radspeon is a Shiny Espeon who, apparently, fused with a Ghost Pokemon and became the DIGITAL VAMPIRE POKEMON!
Radspeon / lvl 16 / ghost-psychic type / he/him
-Radspeon DOES have a physical body, but he has transferred his consciousness to the Internet.
-Radspeon just looks like that. Like even in the real world, he has bat wings and scene hair.
-Radspeon has an older sister, Gothspeon!
-Radspeon's consciousness is centralized into THIS very website! He is able to travel between different websites via images of him being posted! If you've put my site button on your website, he can travel there! He loves all of your sites, by the way.
-Radspeon's favorite food is pesto pasta! Though, he hasn't had it for a while.
-Radspeon believes that Pokemon fights are unethical, and has made the decision to never allow a trainer to hold him down. He comes and goes as he pleases, but he does have people who take care of him, and who he tolerates.
You can use them too! Just please link back to the site somewhere, so Radspeon can make it back home!