

Ranger was an American Akita who passed away on June 22nd, 2024. He was about thirteen years old, and was deeply loved until the very end.

Ranger was with me throughout nearly the entirety of my life. Every memory that I can recall clearly, he was there with me. Endlessly loyal, loving, kind, and sweet, Ranger brought joy to every person who got to meet him, though other dogs didn't tend to like him.

In July of last year, Ranger lost his best friend, Maggie, a Beagle-Chihuahua mix. Ranger wasn't the same after she went, which is reasonable. I believe he felt grief for her too, just as much as me and my family did. Ever since her passing, Ranger deteriorated, though that could also have been because of old age.

I decided to make this page as a memorial to him, as a way to immortalize his memory in a safe space.

Here are some more images of him. Usually I am not usually against people downloading images from my website, but I want to humbly and sincerely ask you not to download these. These pictures are of my real life dead pet, and I don't see what use you could ever get out of them. I'm sharing them with you out of a want to immortalize Ranger's memory, but I don't want people other than me to spread these images and obfuscate who he truly is. I cannot stop you from doing it, but I hope that this message will at least prevent any good-meaning people from doing so.

You can click on any image of Ranger to view the full version.

If you wish, you can leave some well-wishes in the comment section below. I'd appreciate it.

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