Godly Foals(working title) is an unfinished furry novel in the fantasy and western genres. It features a small cast of main characters on a mission to defeat two Gods, who cast away their child, Fynn, for reasons not yet known to them. It is an adult novel, and features themes of genocide, oppression, sex, abusive parents, and unhealthy relationships of all sorts. It is also a queer story, with three of it's main cast being transgender, and focusing largely on unconventional family dynamics.


Angel, and his companion Cecil, are citizens of a land often called the Great Continent, which has been ravaged by war and oppression by a shadowy magic-hating organization called the Magistrate. Angel is a 38-year-old Starling, lost from his caravan and wandering the Deserts of the Great Continent. He is accompanied by Cecil, a 35-year-old Muletaur that doesn't remember who he truly is. The two once worked for the Sombre, a small rebel territory that has dedicated itself to protecting magic-users from Magistrate rule. While delivering a message to Sombre forces, Angel and Cecil witness Fynn, an 8-year-old featherless Pegasus Godling, be shot down from the clouds and abandoned by his parents. Angel saves Fynn, and now has to contend with raising the last living Godling on the Great Continent, while also trying to kill the parents that abandoned this child.